Venue Rental Agreement

A black and white diamond icon on a white background.

Venue Rental Agreement

This Agreement is made between Queen Elite International Women Organization dba Royal Crystal Event Center, Clark County, NV ("Venue") and the Client identified below. By signing this agreement, both parties agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy

Non-Refundable Deposit: The security deposit of $1,000 is non-refundable.

Cancellation Policy:

More than 30 Days Before Event: Cancellations made more than 30 days before the event date will receive a refund of any payments made beyond the security deposit.

Less than 30 Days Before Event: Cancellations made less than 30 days before the event date will forfeit all payments made.

Commitment to Event Date:

Once the Rental Invoice/Contract is signed and the deposit fee is paid, we are committed to securing your selected date and time. Due to the nature of our business, any cancellation or rescheduling initiated by the customer will result in a business loss. Therefore, all deposits paid are non-refundable.

Cancellation and Rescheduling Initiated by Customer:

Cancellation: If a cancellation occurs, the reserved date and time will be released and made available for Royal Crystal Event Center to other customers for booking. Any paid deposit is not refundable.

Rescheduling: Rescheduling is considered a cancellation and shall follow the same cancellation policy.

Cancellation Initiated by Royal Crystal Event Center:

In the event of cancellations initiated by Royal Crystal Event Center due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., government regulations, accidental damages to the premises from natural disasters or man-made incidents), we will notify customers both verbally and in writing (via text or email) in a timely manner. The customer's prepaid deposit will be 100% refunded within three days of the notice of cancellation. The customer agrees to waive any claims, lawsuits, and/or legal actions against Royal Crystal Event Center.

Rights to Refuse or Cancel Booking:

Royal Crystal Event Center reserves the right to refuse or cancel a customer’s booking due to harmful conduct that may damage the business or reputation, including any threatening, illegal, or unethical conduct, and/or violations of Royal Crystal Event Center’s terms and conditions before or during the event. In such circumstances, Royal Crystal Event Center is entitled to cancel or discontinue the event. Any prepaid deposit and/or rental payments will be non-refundable.

Termination of Event: Royal Crystal Event Center may terminate the event during the event if there are any illegal, unethical, contractual violations, and/or violations of laws. No refund of the rental fee paid will be issued under such circumstances.

2. Venue Access and Use

Access to the venue for setup can be arranged in advance with our event planning team. Specific times and logistics will be coordinated to ensure a smooth setup.

Venue Access: Access to the venue for setup must be arranged in advance with our event planning team. Specific times and logistics will be coordinated to ensure a smooth setup.

Setup and Teardown: The Client is allowed access to the venue starting at the agreed-upon time and must vacate the premises by the end of the rental period. Any additional time required for setup or teardown must be approved in advance and may incur additional charges.

End Times: All events must conclude by 1 AM to comply with local regulations and respect our community standards.

3. Responsibilities of the Client


  • The Client is responsible for any damages to the venue or its property caused by guests, vendors, or other persons attending the event.
  • This includes damages to furniture, fixtures, equipment, and any other property within the premises.
  • The Client will be liable for the cost of repairs or replacement of damaged items.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

  • The Client must ensure that all activities conducted at the event comply with local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
  • This includes, but is not limited to, noise ordinances, alcohol consumption laws, and health and safety regulations.

Supervision and Conduct:

  • The Client must ensure that all guests and vendors conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner.
  • The Client is responsible for supervising children and ensuring their safety throughout the event.
  • Any behavior that is deemed inappropriate or disruptive by Royal Crystal Event Center staff may result in the termination of the event without a refund.


  • All personal items, decorations, and trash must be removed, and any additional cleaning fees incurred due to excessive mess will be charged to the Client.

4. Event Insurance and Liability Waiver

Event Insurance Requirement: Customers are required to provide proof of event insurance at least three days before the event. This insurance must list Royal Crystal Event Center as a co-insured party and must be approved by Royal Crystal Event Center.

Assumption of Risk: Customers agree to assume all risks and expenses incurred from any personal injuries and/or food/beverage-related illnesses that may occur as a result of attendees at the event, both inside and outside the premises of Royal Crystal Event Center.

Insurance Certificate Submission: A certificate of insurance must be emailed to Suggested vendors for event insurance include:

Food and Beverage Standards: With or without event insurance, the customer is responsible for ensuring that all food and beverages are provided by licensed catering services meeting health standards regulated by the health department.

Liability Waiver: With or without event insurance, the customer and their guests/attendees agree to hold Royal Crystal Event Center, Queen Elite International, and its directors and staff harmless from any liability in the event of personal injuries and/or food/beverage-related illnesses.

Responsibility and Liability: By signing this agreement, the customer assumes entire responsibility and liability for their guests, attendees, and hired service workers in reference to personal injury, loss of property, etc. With or without event insurance, the customer waives the right to sue or make claims against Queen Elite International, Royal Crystal Event Center, and/or their directors and staff.

Vendor Requirements: All vendors (e.g., DJs, special furniture rentals, etc.) must sign property damage and/or personal injury waiver forms provided by Royal Crystal Event Center as independent contractor service providers.

5. Consumption Of Alcohol

In compliance with liquor laws, the consumption of alcoholic beverages at Royal Crystal Event Center must be managed by our licensed bartender service. Customers and their guests are prohibited from bringing any alcohol onto the premises or consuming alcohol near the entrance or in the parking lot.

Service Options:

Cash Bar: Guests pay for their drinks at the bar.

Prepaid Alcohol: The host pre-pays for a set amount of alcohol.

Policies and Regulations:

Licensed Bartender Service: All alcohol service must be handled by Royal Crystal Event Center's licensed bartenders. This ensures compliance with local laws and regulations regarding alcohol consumption.

No Outside Alcohol: Customers and guests are not allowed to bring their own alcohol onto the premises or consume it outside the designated areas, such as the parking lot or near the entrance.

Prevention of Excessive Drinking: Royal Crystal Event Center reserves the right to stop alcohol service to the entire party or request that particular guests leave the premises if their alcohol consumption is deemed excessive or dangerous.

Compliance with Laws: In the event of any violations, the customer shall be fully responsible for all fines and penalties incurred by both the customer and Royal Crystal Event Center.

Unauthorized Alcohol Consumption: If alcohol is consumed on the premises without the knowledge or approval of Royal Crystal Event Center, we reserve the right to stop the event immediately or convert the event to a contracted alcohol consumption event with additional charges. Incidental fees may apply.

Liability and Responsibility:

  • Government Fines: The customer is responsible for any government fines resulting from violations of alcohol policies.
  • Authority to Stop Event: Royal Crystal Event Center has full authority to stop the event or take necessary actions to ensure compliance with alcohol consumption policies.

6. Smoking, Tobacco, and Drug Use Policy

The use of tobacco, cigarettes, and any drugs is strictly prohibited inside the premises of Royal Crystal Event Center.

Tobacco and Cigarettes:

  • Smoking of tobacco or cigarettes is strictly prohibited inside the venue.
  • Smoking is permitted outside the premises, provided that cigarette butts are disposed of in the designated receptacles (ash trays).


  • The use of marijuana is strictly prohibited both inside and outside the premises.
  • Violations involving the use of tobacco or marijuana inside the building will result in the forfeiture of the incidental fee.
  • Additional fees may be charged to cover the costs of eliminating smoke odors and smells.

Prohibited Conduct:

  • Sexual conduct is strictly prohibited inside the premises.

7. Reasonable Care in Use of Premises and Application of Incidental Fees

Customers are required to use reasonable care when using the Royal Crystal Event Center venue and facilities. It is the customer's responsibility to supervise their guests to ensure reasonable precautions are taken to avoid damage to all fixtures and movable equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, preventing severe stains from food or any other damage to furniture, fabrics, fixtures, and drapery.

Prohibited Actions:

  • Do not tape, nail, or attach anything to any part of the walls.
  • Do not dispose of food trash in toilets or sinks.
  • The use of tape, including double-sided tape, on any fixtures within the premises is strictly forbidden.

Liability for Damages:

  • Customers shall not use the venue in any manner that poses an unnecessary hazard to the building.
  • If any damage to the building, property, or equipment is caused by the customer, their guests, or employees, the customer will be liable for the cost of repairs or replacement.
  • Any damage or equipment issues must be reported immediately to Royal Crystal Event Center staff.
  • Incidental fees may be applied to cover the cost of damages at the discretion of Royal Crystal Event Center management.

8. Decoration Guidelines and Safety Regulations

Customers must inform Royal Crystal Event Center management of their decoration plans at least one week before the event. All wall or ceiling decorations must be installed by Royal Crystal Event Center staff (fees may apply). The following items are strictly prohibited:

  • Lit candles
  • Glitter or confetti
  • Smoke machines
  • Flammable items

Use of Tools and Equipment:

  • All tools and ladders on the premises are for Royal Crystal Event Center staff use only.
  • Customers are not permitted to use tools or ladders to climb, fix, or adjust fixtures such as lighting or drapery.

Furniture Handling: Exercise extreme caution when moving or relocating furniture, tables, and chairs to avoid incidents and potential personal injuries.

9. Liability Waiver for Minor Children Attendees

It is acknowledged that minor children may attend events at Royal Crystal Event Center. The customer accepts full responsibility for ensuring that all minor children are under adult supervision at all times, both inside and outside the proximity of the Royal Crystal Event Center building.


Supervision: It is the customer's duty to supervise minor children throughout the event to ensure their safety.

Assumption of Risk: The customer agrees to assume all risks and expenses related to any personal injuries and/or food or beverage-related illnesses that may occur to minor children during the event, whether inside or outside Royal Crystal Event Center premises.

Liability Waiver: The customer shall hold Royal Crystal Event Center (dba) and Bedrock USA Limited (Building Owner) harmless from any liability in the event of injuries to minor children attendees.

10. Responsibility for Lost Items and Personal Property

Royal Crystal Event Center is not responsible for the storage or safekeeping of any personal property or equipment left on the premises. Lost items may be discarded during the cleaning process.


Lost Items: Royal Crystal Event Center is not liable for any personal belongings or equipment left on the premises. It is recommended to take all personal items with you at the end of your event.

Complimentary Amenities:

  • Tables, chairs, linens, chair covers, speakers, projectors, and other furniture are provided as complimentary amenities. Royal Crystal Event Center cannot guarantee these items will be in perfect condition.
  • Table linens and chair covers may not be wrinkle-free or in pristine condition.

11. Monitoring and Event Termination Policy

Royal Crystal Event Center reserves the right to monitor events through cameras on the premises. If any violations of terms and conditions occur, Royal Crystal Event Center staff may interrupt or terminate the event at their discretion.



  • Royal Crystal Event Center staff has the right to view the entire event duration through cameras on the premises.
  • Customers are prohibited from turning off or removing the cameras at any time during the event.

Violation and Termination:

  • If any terms and conditions are violated, Royal Crystal Event Center staff may interrupt or terminate the event immediately.
  • In such cases, the customer must terminate the event immediately and vacate the venue.
  • No refunds will be issued for rental payments or incidental fees under these circumstances.

12. Event Setup and Feedback Policy

To ensure the highest quality service for every event, customers are encouraged to conduct a brief walkthrough during the setup time and inform Royal Crystal Event Center staff of any issues that need to be addressed before the event starts.


Pre-Event Walkthrough:

  • Customers should have a short walkthrough at setup time to identify and communicate any issues to Royal Crystal Event Center staff.
  • Any issues must be reported to Royal Crystal Event Center staff before the event begins.

Post-Event Policy:

  • Royal Crystal Event Center is not responsible for correcting issues or providing refunds for problems that were not reported before the event started.

Commitment to Service:

  • Royal Crystal Event Center management is dedicated to maintaining high standards of customer service.
  • We highly value constructive comments and feedback from all customers to help us improve our services.

13. Indemnification

The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Royal Crystal Event Center, Queen Elite International Women Organization, Bedrock USA Limited (Building Owner), its owners, and its employees from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the event, including any costs or legal fees incurred.

14. Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Nevada, Clark County.

19. Entire Agreement

This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, whether written or oral.

20. Amendments

Any amendments to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties. This includes any changes to the event date, time, services, or any other terms and conditions outlined in this contract. Email transactions are acceptable for the purpose of documenting and agreeing to amendments.

Additional Terms:

Written Agreement:

  • No verbal agreements or understandings will be considered valid. All amendments must be documented in writing.
  • Both parties must provide written consent to any amendments to ensure clarity and mutual agreement.

Approval by Royal Crystal Event Center:

  • All proposed amendments are subject to the approval of Royal Crystal Event Center management.
  • Royal Crystal Event Center reserves the right to refuse any amendments that could potentially impact the venue’s operations or conflict with existing bookings and policies.

Notification Period:

  • Any amendments must be proposed and agreed upon at least 14 days prior to the event date to allow adequate time for adjustments and preparations.
  • Amendments proposed less than 14 days before the event date may not be accepted, or additional fees may apply to accommodate last-minute changes.

Fees and Charges:

  • Amendments that result in additional services or extended use of the venue may incur extra charges. These charges will be agreed upon in writing as part of the amendment process.
  • Any increase in costs resulting from amendments must be paid by the Client within the agreed-upon timeframe.

21. Agreement Acceptance

By checking the box, the Client and the Venue agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.

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